September 23, 2024

Dear Members of Our Campus Community,

As we begin the new academic year, we want to reaffirm our principles of community and ensure that all members of our campus understand both the rights and the responsibilities that come with freedom of expression. 

This year ahead is likely to bring debate on local, national, and global issues. Freedom of speech and the right to engage in nonviolent demonstrations are long-standing traditions in the University of California. As an academic institution, we are committed to open inquiry, rigorous debate, and academic freedom. There are many ways for students, faculty, and staff to exercise their rights and advocate for their views as a part of our campus community, including campus forums, meetings and activities of student, faculty, and staff organizations and governing bodies, and peaceful demonstrations. We actively encourage participation in campus governance organizations and other suitable channels for advocacy and expression.  

To ensure that everyone on campus can express their perspectives while engaging fully in their learning, teaching, research, and work, the University must protect our community from harassment or threats, disruptions of campus activities, and impediments to access to classrooms and other buildings. We must reject violence of any kind. As a space for respectful and productive dialogue, debate, and discourse, the University must comply with state, federal, and UC policies that protect the rights of expressive activity, provide safeguards for state and federally protected identities, and ensure safe, timely, and full access to our campus and facilities for all members of our community. 

Consistent with recent legislation passed by the California Legislature, SB108, the University of California is developing a systemwide framework for consistency of implementation and enforcement of these policies across all campuses, which advance our principles of community and the values that support a healthy campus climate. 

It is important that everyone understand the rules, regulations, and resources that ensure that we can achieve these goals. We urge you to review this website (, which has detailed information on UC policies, procedures, and resources related to freedom of expression and policies that support a safe and inclusive environment for all members of the campus community. 

We look forward to a productive, engaging, and enlightening year on our campus. We urge everyone to engage those with differing views and experiences with civility, empathy, understanding, and generosity. 


Henry T. Yang