August 24, 2023

Dear Members of Our Campus Community,

After 19 years of extraordinary service as our campus’s NCAA Faculty Athletics Representative, Professor Emeritus Janis Ingham has decided to devote herself full-time to her distinguished teaching and research career as an emeritus member of our Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences. Her efforts will continue her years-long focus on the causes and treatment of the speech disorder of stuttering.

I want to take this opportunity to express our campus’s sincere appreciation for the time, energy, and care that Dr. Ingham has dedicated to her service as our Faculty Athletics Representative. She has represented our campus at meetings of the NCAA, the Big West Conference, and the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation. She chaired our Intercollegiate Athletics Policy Board, which provides advice to our campus and me on matters pertaining to intercollegiate athletics. She has also worked closely with our Student-Athlete Advisory Committee and other committees that revolve around various aspects of student-athlete welfare. Dr. Ingham served as chair of the Big West Conference Board of Directors and as president of the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation. As chair of the Big West Board, Janis was a member of several NCAA Division I committees, including the Research Committee. She also served as vice president of the Faculty Athletics Representative Association (FARA).

Janis has been a strong and passionate advocate for our student-athletes and coaches. During her tenure, our Intercollegiate Athletics program consistently graduated student-athletes at among the highest rates in the nation with hundreds of our student-athletes receiving Big West, MPSF, and NCAA recognition as scholar athletes, while maintaining overall GPAs commensurate with the campus’s regular student population. 

Janis’s service as Faculty Athletics Representative will conclude on August 31, 2023. I look forward to announcing the appointment of our next NCAA Faculty Athletics Representative in the very near future. In the meantime, please join me in warmly thanking Janis for her exemplary leadership and service, and for her continuing commitment to our university.

Henry T. Yang