April 27, 2023
Dear Members of Our Campus Community,
Over the next decade and beyond, our campus will construct additional for-sale and rental housing for our faculty and staff. As we continue to develop this much-needed housing, we are renewing the membership of the Community Housing Authority that will discuss our housing projects and make practical and policy recommendations to the campus. Committee membership includes two co-chairs, the Senate chair, an academic dean, our Executive Vice Chancellor, Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services, Interim Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Personnel, along with faculty and staff representatives, and in addition to staff in our Budget & Planning office whose responsibilities include real estate and capital planning.
The initial Community Housing Authority Board was formed in 2010 to ensure the successful planning, development, and management of our planned construction of Ocean Walk – for-sale and rental housing for our faculty and staff. This construction required the establishment of a separate business organization, the UC Santa Barbara Community Housing Authority. A Board of Directors was also formed to advise our campus on the establishment of this organization. The Board was charged with developing an operating plan and budget for the Community Housing Authority, including identifying and providing staffing and service needs, and developing a plan for the allocation of units.
I would like to thank Professor Doug Steigerwald from Economics and Vice Chancellor - CFO Chuck Haines for graciously agreeing to co-chair the Community Housing Authority. I extend my sincere thanks to all of our colleagues listed below for their willingness to contribute their time and expertise to this important effort.
Henry T. Yang
Community Housing Authority
Doug Steigerwald, Co-Chair; Professor, Economics
Chuck Haines, Co-Chair; Vice Chancellor – Chief Financial Officer
Mahdi Abu-Omar, Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
John Lee, Chair, Academic Senate Council on Faculty Welfare, Academic Freedom and Awards; Professor, History
Garry Mac Pherson, Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services
David Marshall, Executive Vice Chancellor
Dana Mastro, Associate Vice Chancellor, Academic Personnel; Professor, Communication
Shira Minerd, Staff representative; Work-Life Resource Coordinator
Jim Rawlings, Chair, Academic Senate Council on Planning & Budget; Professor, Chemical Engineering
Susannah Scott, Chair, Academic Senate; Professor, Chemical Engineering
Jeffrey Stewart, Interim Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Pierre Wiltzius, Executive Dean and Dean of Mathematical, Life, and Physical Sciences; Professor, Physics
Ex Officio/Advisors
Rose Peterson, Executive Director, Community Housing Authority
Blake Cardoza, Community Housing Program/Customer Relations Representative
Shari Hammond, Interim Director, Campus Planning & Design
Josh Rohmer, Director of Capital & Physical Planning
TBD, Associate Vice Chancellor, Strategic Asset Management
TBD, Director of Real Estate