April 26, 2023

Dear Members of Our Campus Community,

I am pleased to share that the University of California will be implementing systemwide salary increases for the 2023-24 fiscal year.

We are deeply grateful for the dedication and contributions of our staff and faculty colleagues. Thank you for your hard work and your shared commitment to our University.

Summary of UC’s 2023-24 salary program:

  • Eligible policy-covered (non-represented) staff employees will receive a 4.6 percent general salary increase, effective July 1, 2023, for monthly and June 25, 2023, for bi-weekly paid employees.
  • Salary scales for eligible policy-covered (non-represented) academic appointees will be increased by a general range adjustment of 4.6 percent, effective October 1, 2023, for policy-covered faculty and July 1, 2023, for other policy-covered academic appointees.
  • The regular peer-review merit advancement process for policy-covered academic appointees will continue per academic personnel policy.

In his letter to the Chancellors, President Drake wrote, “Please note, this salary program is contingent upon the 5 percent allocation in the State budget and is subject to change. In the event the current budget expectations are altered, I will provide an updated announcement at that time.”

Should you have any questions about the 2023-24 salary program for staff employees, please contact Ann Marie Musto at ammusto@ucsb.edu. Questions pertaining to faculty and academic personnel should be directed to June Betancourt at june.betancourt@ucsb.edu. Of course, you are most welcome to contact me with any questions or suggestions as well, at henry.yang@ucsb.edu.


Henry T. Yang