December 28, 2022

Dear Members of Our Campus Community,

During the past 24 months, we have been working with our campus community and the Office of the President to develop a greater understanding of the Native American Graves Protection & Repatriation Act (NAGPRA). These efforts have included extensive reviews, both internal and external to the University, and with the support of the Academic Senate. The result of these efforts was the University of California Policy on Native American Cultural Affiliation and Repatriation dated January 1, 2022.

In the ensuing months, the systemwide effort has resulted in greater clarity on some of the restrictions associated with research involving Cultural Items that are used in instruction, research, or any use without prior tribal approvals. The attached communication from Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Michael T. Brown, Ph.D., to all Chancellors, dated October 27, 2022, is intended to provide additional clarity and scope of some of the restrictions associated with NAGPRA or CalNAGPRA.  

These restrictions apply to all Native American Human Remains and ethnographic or archaeological objects subject to NAGPRA or CalNAGPRA. Researchers should consult with our campus Repatriation Coordinator, Assistant Vice Chancellor Michael Miller, at or (805) 893-2118 for a list of Tribes that need to provide approval. 

Thank you for your attention in addressing this very important matter. 


Pierre Wiltzius
Executive Dean, College of Letters & Science
Dean, Mathematical, Life, and Physical Sciences

Daina Ramey Berry
Dean, Humanities and Fine Arts

Charles Hale
Dean, Social Sciences

Joe Incandela
Vice Chancellor, Research

Garry Mac Pherson
Vice Chancellor, Administrative Services

David Marshall
Executive Vice Chancellor

Henry T. Yang

Attachment link:
University of California Communication to Chancellors, October 27, 2022