February 22, 2021
Dear Members of Our Campus Community,
Since 1923, United Way of Santa Barbara County has been striving to make a difference in this community, and working hard to ensure that our contributions help our local friends and neighbors in need.
United Way of Santa Barbara County serves thousands of residents every year, as evidenced most recently by the more than 2,800 households that have received direct COVID-19 assistance and the upwards of 38,000 students who have used its literacy programs for virtual learning during the pandemic. If you or someone you know needs assistance during these challenging times, United Way is ready to help. For more information on United Way’s COVID-19 response or to apply for assistance, please visit https://www.unitedwaysb.org/
Running the oldest United Way campaign in Santa Barbara County, UC Santa Barbara has been a proud longtime partner in raising resources and mobilizing volunteers to serve those most at risk. This year, UC Santa Barbara will hold our annual United Way Campaign from February 22 through March 12, 2021. In line with our campaign theme of “United for Our Community,” our campus stands united in providing our communities with the support needed to be successful today and resilient in times of crises. For more information about our UC Santa Barbara United Way Campaign, please visit http://www.dia.ucsb.edu/
I am inspired by our faculty, staff, students, and alumni who support the communities around us in so many ways. I encourage all of us to learn more about United Way of Santa Barbara County, and to invest in our community with a gift of service or financial support. No matter how you give, your gift makes a difference!
Henry T. Yang
United for Our Community
Through its long history as a partner with United Way of Santa Barbara, UC Santa Barbara has worked to make a difference in the lives of children, families, and seniors in our local community. United Way's special focus on education is an extension of our own mission to provide opportunities and access for the next generation of students. Our annual United Way Workplace Campaign, "United for Our Community," gives us an opportunity to contribute our time, talents, and/or financial resources.
Support Our Community