January 17, 2017
Dear Members of our Campus Community,
For more than 90 years, the United Way of Santa Barbara County has been committed to serving our community and ensuring that our contributions help local friends and neighbors in need.
As an institution dedicated to nurturing good stewards, UC Santa Barbara is proud of our strong partnership with the United Way. In fact, our campus is the longest-standing United Way campaign in Santa Barbara County. This year, we are excited to support United Way 2016-17 through our campus campaign, "Join the Cause. United for Education."
Our United Way campaign is now underway and will run through March 17, 2017. Your donations will make possible education enrichment programs, scholarships for students and parents, free children’s books, and much more.
Through this campaign, and in countless other ways, we are inspired by the dedication of our faculty, staff, students, and alumni in responding to the needs of our surrounding communities. Our devoted volunteers participate each year in the annual Day of Caring clean-up in Isla Vista, and have helped host the “Fun in the Sun” summer enrichment program for children from low-income families. In 2014, our own students established the UC Santa Barbara Student United Way Club – one generation paving the way for future generations.
Please join me in learning more about how we can help build a brighter future for all – by exploring the links on our United Way web page, attending a campus United Way presentation, or talking with your department’s United Way representative. For more information regarding the UCSB United Way Campaign and Candy Gram sales, please visit http://www.ia.ucsb.edu/uw.
Thank you for your kindness and generosity in giving back to our community.
Henry T. Yang