July 31, 2014
Dear Colleagues:
I am pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. David Marshall as our next Executive Vice Chancellor, effective September 15, 2014, pending appropriate UC Office of the President and Regental approvals.
This appointment is the result of an extensive national search. I am grateful to our search advisory committee, chaired by Professor Joel Michaelsen, for its diligent work, thoughtful advice, wisdom, and vision. The members of the committee are listed below. I would also like to thank our Academic Senate colleagues and all the members of our campus community who provided important consultation, input, and advice throughout this search process.
Dr. Marshall is currently our Michael Douglas Dean of Humanities and Fine Arts, and Professor of English and Comparative Literature. He has provided outstanding leadership for our campus during his 16 years as Dean. From 2005 to 2012, he served as the first Executive Dean of our College of Letters and Science, overseeing the transition from a Provost model to a new governance model in which the Council of Deans leads the College. Dean Marshall helped to ensure that this model was defined and developed in such a way that all of the L&S Divisions could thrive and develop to their full potential within the contexts of a cohesive College and our campus’s interdisciplinary and collaborative environment. Representing the College on a variety of campus committees, he worked closely with the Academic Senate through the L&S Faculty Executive Committee. He helped to create COLLABORATE, the Instructional Technology Enhancement Initiative. In all of his positions, Dean Marshall has served as an ambassador and advocate for the College and for our entire campus, working tirelessly with all of our colleagues to advance UC Santa Barbara.
Dean Marshall’s history of service to our campus and the UC system is both broad and deep. He has served on the Chancellor’s Coordinating Committee on Budget Strategy; the Campus Planning Committee; the Chancellor’s Advisory Council on Campus Climate, Culture, and Inclusion; and the Board of Directors of the UC Santa Barbara Community Housing Authority, among many other committees. He is also the co-chair of the Leadership Committee of our campus’s Operational Effectiveness Initiative.
At the systemwide level, Dean Marshall has served on (since 1998) and chaired (since 2003) the UC President’s Advisory Committee on Research in the Humanities, which oversees the UC Humanities Network. He was the Principal Investigator for the $12,775,000 University of California MultiCampus Research Program and Initiative Award for the UC Humanities Network. He also serves on the UC Education Abroad Program Governance Committee, and previously served on the Size and Shape working group of the UC Commission on the Future. Active nationally as well, he is currently the President of the National Humanities Alliance, based in Washington, D.C., which advances humanities policy in the areas of research, education, preservation, and public programs.
Dr. Marshall was a professor at Yale University from 1979 to 1997, serving as Chair of the English Department, Director of the Literature Major, Acting Chair of Comparative Literature, and Director of the Whitney Humanities Center, among other appointments. He received his B.A. from Cornell University and his Ph.D. from The Johns Hopkins University. He was a Guggenheim Fellow and received a Yale University Morse Fellowship. His research focuses on eighteenthcentury fiction, aesthetics, and moral philosophy. His 2005 book, The Frame of Art: Fictions of Aesthetic Experience, 1750-1815, was awarded the 2005-2006 Louis Gottschalk Prize by the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. His fourth book is in press. He also has lectured widely and published on issues in higher education and public education.
Our entire campus community owes a debt of gratitude to Interim Executive Vice Chancellor Joel Michaelsen for his outstanding leadership during this transitional time, building on the many accomplishments of former EVC Gene Lucas. We thank Professor Michaelsen sincerely for his contributions in this role and throughout his distinguished 33-year career here at UC Santa Barbara.
Please join me in welcoming Dr. Marshall as our next EVC. We appreciate the vision, experience, and leadership he brings to this critically important position.
Henry T. Yang
Search Advisory Committee for the Executive Vice Chancellor
Joel Michaelsen, Chair; Interim Executive Vice Chancellor; Professor, Geography;
past Academic Senate Chair
Jonathan Abboud, Associated Students representative; A.S. President 2013-14
Kum-Kum Bhavnani, Chair, Academic Senate; Professor, Sociology
Lars Bildsten, Rosing and Raab Professor in Theoretical Astrophysics; Director, Kavli Institute
for Theoretical Physics
Henning Bohn, Professor, Economics; past Academic Senate Chair
David Bothman, Staff representative, nominated by Chancellor’s Staff Advisory Council and Staff
Assembly; Principal Development Engineer
Frank Davis, Professor, Bren School of Environmental Science & Management and Geography;
Director, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis
Frank Doyle, Mellichamp Professor in Process Control; Director, Institute for Collaborative
Biotechnologies; Associate Dean of Research, College of Engineering
Anna Everett, Professor, Film and Media Studies
Mario Galicia, Graduate Students Association representative; past GSA President
Carl Gutierrez-Jones, Professor, English; past Director, Chicano Studies Institute
Gale Morrison, Professor Emeritus, Education
Jane Mulfinger, Professor, College of Creative Studies; Professor and Chair, Art
Tresa Pollock, ALCOA Professor and Chair, Materials
Consultant to the Committee:
Ricardo Alcaíno, Director and Title IX Officer, Office of Equal Opportunity & Sexual
Harassment/Title IX Compliance