January 3, 2014
RE: UCSB Smoke-Free and Tobacco-Free Campus Policy is Approved
Dear Colleagues:
In a letter dated January 9, 2012, then-President Mark Yudof asked each UC chancellor to form a committee and to task it with implementing a smoke-free policy for its campus by January 2014. At that time, Executive Vice Chancellor Gene Lucas graciously agreed to chair UCSB’s Smoke-Free Campus Steering Committee. The full membership is listed below.
On May 15, 2013, I sent a memo to our campus community to circulate and invite comments on the draft policy proposed by the steering committee, as part of our practice of shared governance. We appreciate all of the feedback we received. Overall, respondents were supportive of the goals of the policy and its implementation.
The policy on Smoking, Tobacco, and Unregulated Nicotine Products has now been approved. It can be found at http://www.policy.ucsb.edu/policies/policy-docs/smoking-tobacco-unregnicotine.pdf.
I would like to thank EVC Lucas and the members of our Smoke-Free Campus Steering Committee, as well as all those across our campus who participated in the review, including our deans, faculty, staff, and students.
As of January 2014, the University of California, Santa Barbara will be smoke-free and tobaccofree. Smoking, the use of smokeless tobacco products, e-cigarettes, and unregulated nicotine products will not be allowed on UC-owned or leased properties.
In order to learn more about the policy, please visit our Smoke-Free and Tobacco-Free Campus website at http://tobaccofree.ucsb.edu. There you can find the text of the policy, smoking cessation resources, and frequently asked questions.
A smoke-free and tobacco-free environment will save lives and improve the health of our community. We thank you for not smoking or using any tobacco products on campus.
Henry T. Yang
UCSB Smoke-Free Campus Steering Committee
Gene Lucas, Chair; Executive Vice Chancellor
Sharon Conley, Professor, Education
Joe Harkins, Acting Fire Marshal, Environmental Health and Safety
Laury Oaks, Associate Professor, Feminist Studies
Ashkon Rahbari, Associated Students representative
Jeanne Stanford, Director, Counseling and Psychological Services
Michael Takahara, Health and Wellness Educator, Office of the Dean of Students
Ex officio:
Lisa Daniels, Director, Academic Administration
Marc Fisher, Senior Associate Vice Chancellor, Administrative Services
Chuck Haines, Director, Capital Development
Pamela Lombardo, Director, Environmental Health and Safety