November 20, 2012


Dear Colleagues:

I am writing with mixed emotions to share with you the attached press release regarding President Yudof's announcement that Dean Jane Close Conoley of our Gevirtz Graduate School of Education has been recommended, pending approval by the UC Board of Regents, as the acting chancellor of UC Riverside, beginning December 31, 2012, while the Riverside campus conducts a national search for their next chancellor. This interim appointment is expected to be effective until their new chancellor is in place.

We will miss Dean Conoley's leadership and service on our campus during this transition period, but we are enormously pleased that she is able to help our sister campus by providing interim leadership at such a critical time.

Dr. Conoley's record of accomplishment during her past seven years as dean of our Gevirtz School is extraordinary, and we are deeply grateful for her contributions. I am pleased that upon completion of her mission at the Riverside campus, Dean Conoley will come back to UC Santa Barbara with new insights and perspectives that will benefit our campus and our GGSE.

I will conduct a very thorough and quick campus consultation process, in discussion with Executive Vice Chancellor Gene Lucas, to identify and recruit an acting dean to fulfill the role vacated by Dean Conoley during her leave of absence.

I hope you will join me in extending to Jane our best wishes for a very successful and enjoyable acting chancellorship at UC Riverside. We look forward to her return to our campus community with even broader and deeper experience that will enrich her continued leadership as dean of our Gevirtz School.


Henry T. Yang

Attachment - UC announcement