October 19, 2012


Dear Colleagues:

In September of 2011, President Yudof approved funding for a comprehensive and systematic campus climate assessment to gather a variety of data related to institutional climate, inclusion, and work-life issues in order to assess the learning, living, and working environments at the University. This system-wide survey will include faculty, staff, and undergraduate, graduate, and professional students at the ten campuses and the Office of the President. This project is in response to the recommendation of the Regents' Study Group on University Diversity and the Staff Diversity Council, and the work of the President's and Chancellors' Advisory Councils on Campus Climate, Culture and Inclusion.

In consultation with the campus Advisory Council on Campus Climate, Culture and Inclusion, representing the Academic Senate, student government, staff organizations and other campus constituencies, a Local Work Team was formed to oversee all aspects of the implementation of the survey developed by Sue Rankin and Associates, a consultant to the project. The Local Work Team is currently chaired by Professor Anna Everett, Acting Associate Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity and Academic Policy. The membership of the Local Work Team is listed below. I would like to thank the members of the Local Work Team for their efforts to work with Rankin & Associates to help develop the survey instrument and initiate plans for implementation on our campus.  

Our campus survey will be entitled "Answer the CALL: UC Campus Climate Study." Throughout Fall Quarter 2012, our Local Work Team will be contacting students, faculty, and staff with periodic updates on the implementation of the survey. I encourage you to participate in this important survey that will assist us in maintaining and improving a campus climate and environment that is inclusive and welcoming to all and that allows for the realization of the full potential of every member of our community. We look forward to your participation in the survey and having your views on our campus climate. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me or any member of our Local Work Team.


Henry T. Yang


Local Work Team – UC Campus Climate Survey

Anna Everett, Chair; Acting Associate Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity and Academic Policy; Professor of Film and Media Studies
Amit Ahuja, Assistant Professor, Political Science
Ricardo Alcaíno, Director & Title IX Coordinator, Office of Equal Opportunity and Sexual Harassment
Sophia Armen, President, Associated Students
Katya Armistead, Assistant Dean of Students & Director, Office of the Dean of Students
Stephanie Batiste, Associate Professor, English Department
Ozzie Espinoza, Associate Director of Pre-Enrollment Services, Educational Opportunity Program
Mario Galicia, President, Graduate Students Association
Lupe Garcia, Associate Dean, Student Academic Support Services, Campus Learning Assistance Services
Amber Gonzalez, Graduate Student Representative
Francisco Herrera, Institutional Research Analyst, Graduate Division
Tricia Hiemstra, Director, Human Resources
Hsiu-Zu Ho, Professor, Department of Education
Mary Jacob, Senior Associate Dean, Student Academic Support Services
Joshua Moon Johnson, Director, LGBT Services, Resource Center for Sexual & Gender Diversity
Zaveeni Khan-Marcus, Director, Multicultural Center
David Lopez-Carr, Professor, Geography
Tessa Mendez, Deputy ADA Compliance Officer & Special Projects Analyst, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services
Jeff Moehlis, Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Vanessa Ramos, Associated Students Representative
Beth Schneider, Professor, Sociology; Director, McNair Scholars Program
Steven Velasco, Director, Institutional Research & Planning
Laurel Wilder, Assistant Director, Institutional Research & Planning