August 18, 2011

Dear Colleagues:

As you may know, the UC Board of Regents last November approved funds in UC's 2011-12 budget to provide a pool for merit-based salary increases. Yesterday, President Mark Yudof sent a letter to all the UC chancellors, outlining the general terms of the merit program for faculty, other non-represented academic employees, and non-represented staff, and explaining his decision to exclude senior-level managers from participation. This letter is posted on the UCOP website at
As President Yudof states, the merit program is aimed at helping campuses recruit and retain faculty, who are the source of UC's academic and research quality, and also to acknowledge non-represented staff for their ongoing dedication and service despite not having received general pay increases for the past several years.
The merit pool will be calculated at three percent of the overall pay in the eligible personnel categories, and individual increases will be based on performance and determined locally.  Specific guidelines for how the merits will be implemented will be sent to campus academic personnel and human resources offices in the coming days, so you can expect to receive additional details soon.
We would like to join President Yudof in expressing our deep appreciation for the contributions you and our colleagues make to our University, the people of California, and the countless others we touch every day in our service to the public.

Henry T. Yang


Henning Bohn
Chair, Academic Senate