November 30, 2010
Dear Colleagues:
I am pleased to announce the formation of an Advisory Committee on Campus Land Use and Acquisition.
This is a joint Academic Senate/administrative committee that will advise our campus on future land use and acquisition of new land under the guidelines and principles of the recently adopted Long Range Development Plan. The committee members have wide expertise and experience in matters concerning campus land use, ecological restoration and preservation, sustainability, and open space. Professor Michael Witherell, Vice Chancellor for Research, and Professor Carla D'Antonio, Schuyler Professor of Environmental Studies, have graciously agreed to co-chair this important committee. The members of the committee are listed below.
Determining the impact of future land-use decisions on our ability to maintain and improve the high quality of living and working space for our faculty, staff, students, and community members is a top priority for our campus, and a critical tool in our efforts to enhance our world-class university. I extend my sincere thanks to our colleagues on the committee, and to all those who have contributed their time, energy, and expertise to this important endeavor.
Henry T. Yang
Chancellor's Advisory Committee on Campus Land Use and Acquisition
Carla D'Antonio, Co-Chair, Schuyler Professor, Environmental Studies and Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology; Faculty Director, Cheadle Center for Biodiversity and Ecological Restoration
Michael Witherell, Co-Chair, Vice Chancellor, Research; Presidential Professor of Physics
Henning Bohn, Chair, Academic Senate; Professor, Economics
Marc Fisher, Senior Associate Vice Chancellor, Administrative Services/Campus Architect
Chuck Haines, Interim Director, Capital Development
Todd Lee, Assistant Chancellor, Budget and Planning
Karen Rothberg, Director, Real Estate Services
Cristina Sandoval, Director, Coal Oil Point Natural Reserve
Duncan Mellichamp, Professor Emeritus, Chemical Engineering
Robert Silsbee, Planning and Resources Manager, Administrative Services