June 18, 2010
Dear Colleagues:
I am honored and pleased to report that President Yudof has formed a systemwide Advisory Council on Campus Climate, Culture, and Inclusion to address challenges in enhancing and sustaining a tolerant, inclusive environment on all our campuses. The Council's first meeting will be held June 30, 2010. Our campus representative to this Council is Dr. Beth Schneider, Professor of Sociology and Chair of the UCSB Academic Senate Committee on Diversity and Equity. Further details about the President's Council, including the full membership list, are posted at http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/article/23577.
I am also honored and excited to announce the formation of an Advisory Council on Campus Climate, Culture, and Inclusion for our Santa Barbara campus, which I will chair. Our Council will address these important issues on our campus. The membership of this Council, as shown below, is composed of faculty, students, staff, administrative personnel, community representation, and ex-officio members, which includes academic deans.
The specific and principal purpose of the President’s Advisory Council and campus Advisory Council will be as follows:
- Provide ongoing evaluation of campus climate conditions, practices, and policies.
- Suggest measures that will support the goals of inclusion and community, especially including measures reflecting promising practices from elsewhere in UC and the nation.
- Coordinate its analyses, recommendations, and other work with related work of any entities created by faculty, staff, students, or neighboring communities.
- Fulfill other campus-specific responsibilities identified by the Chancellor.
- Respond to queries and suggestions from the President's Advisory Council.
I thank all those who have been part of the consultation process in the formation of this committee. I also thank the members of the Council in advance for their generous commitment of time, wisdom, and energy in the important work that lies ahead. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or comments about the Council.
Henry T. Yang
Advisory Council on Campus Climate, Culture, and Inclusion, Santa Barbara Campus
Henry Yang, Chair, Chancellor
Walid Afifi, Professor, Communication
Amit Ahuja, Assistant Professor, Political Science; Faculty in Residence, Manzanita Village
Sophia Armen, Associated Students Representative
Katya Armistead, Staff Representative; Assistant Dean of Students, Student Organizations
Stephanie Batiste, Associate Professor, Black Studies and English
Amber Gonzalez, Graduate Students Association Representative
Gretchen Hofmann, Associate Professor, Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology
Laura Kalman, Professor, History
Yukari Okamoto, Professor, Education
Samuel Santos, Staff Representative; Director, Resource Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity
Beth Schneider, Professor, Sociology; Chair, Academic Senate Committee on Diversity and Equity; Member, President's Advisory Council on Campus Climate, Culture, and Inclusion
Jeffrey Stewart, Professor and Chair, Black Studies
Bill Villa, Community Representative; Director Emeritus of Admissions
Douglas Wagoner, Associated Students Representative; A.S. External Vice President for Statewide Affairs
Ex-Officio Members
Ricardo Alcaíno, Director, Office of Equal Opportunity and Sexual Harassment/Title IX Compliance
Larry Coldren, Acting Richard A. Auhll Dean of Engineering
Jane Conoley, Dean, Gevirtz Graduate School of Education
Steven Gaines, Dean, Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
Maria Herrera-Sobek, Associate Vice Chancellor, Diversity, Equity, and Academic Policy
David Marshall, Dean, Humanities and Fine Arts; Executive Dean, College of Letters and Science
Melvin Oliver, SAGE Sara Miller McCune Dean of Social Sciences
Bruce Tiffney, Dean, College of Creative Studies
Pierre Wiltzius, Susan and Bruce Worster Dean of Science