August 5, 2009
TO: The Campus Community
FROM: Henry T. Yang
RE: August 14 Town Forum on the Furlough Plan
Following the Regents' decision on the pay reduction/furlough plan for the University of California, there have been many questions and much discussion about how to implement the furlough plan and other related issues.
We have received many suggestions and recommendations in our extensive consultations with the Academic Senate, deans, and department chairs, who have conveyed the opinions of our faculty, staff, and students. Given the range of suggestions, we believe that another town forum would be helpful to share ideas about the development and implementation of such a plan. Hence, we have made arrangements for a town forum on this subject for next Friday, August 14, from 1-3 p.m. in Campbell Hall. We will open with a very short presentation summarizing the ideas and issues that have been identified to date. The rest of the time will be devoted to discussing these ideas and any additional ideas or issues. All members of our campus community--faculty, staff, and students--are welcome. We hope to see you there.