November 24, 2008
Dear Colleagues:
As I announced in a campus memo of October 17, after four years of outstanding leadership of our Division of Administrative Services, and more than 36 years of service to the University of California, Vice Chancellor Donna Carpenter has expressed her wish to retire, effective April 30, 2009. I wish to again extend our heartfelt thanks to Donna for her deep and sustained devotion to our university.
We will begin a national search for Donna’s successor. Following consultation with the Academic Senate and campus colleagues, I have formed a Search Advisory Committee for the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services. Dr. Aaron Ettenberg, Professor of Psychology and former Provost of the College of Letters and Science, and Dr. Gale Morrison, Dean of the Graduate Division, have graciously agreed to serve as co-chairs. Members of the Search Advisory Committee are listed below.
We want to express our appreciation in advance to the members of this committee for their willingness to devote their valuable time and wisdom to this important search, for the benefit of our campus.
Henry T. Yang
Search Advisory Committee for the Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services
Aaron Ettenberg, Co-Chair; Professor of Psychology
Gale Morrison, Co-Chair; Dean, Graduate Division; Professor of Education
Kevin Almeroth, Associate Dean for Advancement and Planning, College of Engineering; Professor of Computer Science and Media Arts and Technology
Michael Brown, Professor of Education
Sandra Featherson, Staff Representative; Associate Director of Controls, Accounting Services and Controls
Allyn Fleming, Staff Representative; Director, Planning and Administration, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
Amber Gonzalez, President, Graduate Students Association
Carl Gutiérrez-Jones, Director, Chicano Studies Institute; Professor of English
Martie Levy, Director of Capital Development, Office of Budget and Planning
Lorraine McDonnell, Professor of Political Science
Joel Michaelsen, Chair, Academic Senate; Professor of Geography
Jane Mulfinger, Professor of Art, Vice Chair, Council on Planning and Budget, Academic Senate
John Paul Primeau, President, Associated Students
Pierre Wiltzius, Susan and Bruce Worster Dean of Science; Professor of Physics
Walter Yuen, Co-Chair, Isla Vista Commission; Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Consultant to the Committee:
Ricardo Alcaíno, Director, Office of Equal Opportunity