October 22, 2008


Dear Colleagues:

As an important element and result of the recently adopted Campus Sustainability Plan, we are pleased to announce the formation of a Campus Sustainability Committee. Professor Bruce Tiffney, Dean of the College of Creative Studies, and Ron Cortez, Associate Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services, have graciously agreed to co-chair this committee. The members of the committee are listed below. 

This committee will advise our campus administrators and me on matters of campus sustainability, make recommendations on sustainability initiatives, help prioritize and monitor the execution and progress of the campus sustainability plan toward our goals, make recommendations on allocations of available funding resources, and provide guidance in the creation and fostering of alliances. The committee will conduct an ongoing and thorough consultative process to solicit your input in developing our vision to enhance our international leadership in this critically important area, using the Campus Sustainability Plan as a blueprint for our campus’s sustainability efforts. 

We want to express our appreciation to the members of this committee for their willingness to devote their valuable time and energy to this important campus endeavor. We also appreciate any ideas or input you may have. Please feel free to communicate with me or the members of the committee.


Henry T. Yang

Campus Sustainability Committee

Bruce Tiffney, Co-Chair, Dean, College of Creative Studies; Professor of Earth Science
Ron Cortez, Co-Chair, Associate Vice Chancellor, Administrative Services

Ingrid Banks, Professor of Black Studies
John Bowers, Director, Institute for Energy Efficiency; Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Clayton Carlson, Associated Students Representative
Paolo Gardinali, Staff Representative; Associate Director, Social Sciences Survey Center
Eli Krispi, Associated Students Representative
Gary Libecap, Professor, Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
Mel S. Manalis, Senior Lecturer, Environmental Studies Program
Joel Michaelsen, Chair, Academic Senate; Professor of Geography
Thuc-Quyen Nguyen, Associate Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Britt Ortiz, Staff Representative; Director, Early Academic Outreach
Constance Penley, Co-Director, Carsey-Wolf Center for Film, Television and New Media; Professor of Film and Media Studies
Graduate Students Association Representatives: TBA

Advisors to the Committee
Alan Heeger, Nobel Laureate and Professor of Physics and Materials
Walter Kohn, Nobel Laureate and Professor of Physics

Consultants to the Committee
Marc Fisher, Associate Vice Chancellor, Campus Design and Facilities
George Foulsham, News Director, Office of Public Affairs
Mo Lovegreen, Executive Director, Department of Geography

Staff to the Committee
Jill Richardson, Campus Sustainability & The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF) Grants Manager