August 11, 2008

Dear Colleagues:

On September 26, 2007, I wrote to you about the formation of a Devereux Planning Committee, co-chaired by Academic Senate Chair Joel Michaelsen and Assistant Chancellor Todd Lee. (The full membership of the committee is listed below.) The committee’s charge was to conduct a thorough campus consultative process in developing the vision for our recently acquired Devereux property, and to make recommendations for its use.

The Devereux Planning Committee has submitted its recommendations. This document can be found in its entirety on the following web page:

As part of our evaluation of the committee's recommendations, I want to offer our campus community an opportunity to review the report and provide feedback. I would appreciate receiving your comments by September 30.  

On behalf of our campus, I want to express my sincere appreciation to all of the members of our Devereux Planning Committee for their dedicated service, and especially for their commitment to our shared vision for the future of UC Santa Barbara.

Henry T. Yang

Devereux Planning Committee
Joel Michaelsen (Co-Chair), Chair, Academic Senate; Professor of Geography
Todd Lee (Co-Chair), Assistant Chancellor, Budget and Planning

Kum-Kum Bhavnani, Vice Chair, Academic Senate; Professor of Sociology
Willie Brown, Executive Director, Housing and Residential Services
Jane Conoley, Professor and Dean, Gevirtz Graduate School of Education
Frank Davis, Professor, Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
Amber Gonzalez, Graduate Students Association Representative; GSA Vice President - Student Affairs
Fiona Goodchild, Education Director, California NanoSystems Institute; West Campus Point Resident
Carl Gutierrez-Jones, Professor of English; Director, Center for Chicano Studies
David Marshall, Executive Dean, College of Letters and Science; Dean, Division of Humanities and Fine Arts
Lindsey Quock, Associate Students Representative; A.S. External Vice President - Local Affairs
Florence Sanchez, Staff Representative; Analyst I, Department of Political Science
Deborah Storm, Management Services Officer, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
Bruce Tiffney, Dean, College of Creative Studies; Professor of Earth Science
Matthew Tirrell, Richard A. Auhll Professor and Dean, College of Engineering
Michael Witherell, Vice Chancellor, Research
Kim Yasuda, Professor of Art
Robert York, Chair, Academic Senate Council on Planning and Budget; Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Consultants to the Committee
Marc Fisher, Associate Vice Chancellor, Campus Design and Facilities
Gene Lucas, Executive Vice Chancellor
Richard Watts, Special Assistant to the Chancellor for the Long Range Development Plan; Professor of Chemistry

Staff to the Committee
Martie Levy, Director of Capital Development, Budget and Planning
Chuck Klein, Assistant Director of Capital Development, Budget and Planning