May 6, 2003

TO:  UCSB Campus Community

The war in Iraq and the ongoing post-war activities to establish a new government there have been the focus of world attention in recent weeks.  Many of us on this campus have wondered how UCSB could pay special attention to these world issues.  We have consulted broadly with faculty, Academic Senate leaders, students and administrators on how best to accomplish this.  As a result of this process, we have designated Wednesday, May 21, as a special day of reflection on our campus.  The theme of this day will be “War, Peace and the U. S. Role in the World.”

We all are aware of the special responsibility that a university such as ours bears in advancing knowledge and facilitating the free and open exchange of ideas. Promoting discussion and debate is part of the process of both teaching and learning. We believe that our campus community can learn from the events that will be held May 21.

A featured event of this day will be a talk by Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson, IV, a UCSB alumnus.  During a long and distinguished diplomatic career, he held key posts in many countries, including Iraq, where from 1988–1991 he served as Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy and as Acting Ambassador.  An expert on world affairs, Mr. Wilson will offer his insights on a range of subjects related to the world in which we live, and help lead a public forum on the issues.

Throughout the day, in workshops and panel discussions, faculty members and students will have a chance to explore the meaning and consequences of the war and the challenges presented by the peace.  Faculty members may find an opportunity to discuss these issues within the context of their course offerings.  Students, faculty, and staff members who wish to organize and lead one of these sessions may submit a simple proposal, including the title of the session and a brief description, to this e-mail address:  Proposals must be submitted by May 12, 2003.  Space for these events is limited, and sessions will be selected by a committee working on plans for the day.

A schedule of May 21 events will be publicized widely on campus as soon as it is available.  We hope you can find time to participate in this special event, and take advantage of the opportunity to explore and discuss important issues of the day.


Henry T. Yang           Gene Lucas                    Michael Young
Chancellor               Acting Executive            Vice Chancellor    Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs