February 3, 2003


Dear Colleagues:

I am very pleased to share with you the news that UCSB, Santa Barbara County, and the City of Goleta have reached an understanding that will enable us to move forward with our "Joint Proposal for the Ellwood/Devereux Coast."

As you no doubt recall, this ambitious proposal calls for the preservation of significant coastal acreage for public use while at the same time making it possible for the university to move ahead with plans for new housing for faculty members and students.

Developing more housing for members of our campus community is an absolute priority for UCSB. We simply must be able to provide opportunities for faculty members to live and work in Santa Barbara. At the same time, we recognize that access to coastal natural resources is a priority for all who live in this beautiful region. The Ellwood/Devereux proposal offers tremendous potential benefit to the region s population while helping us to meet our housing goals.

Our campus has enjoyed a very productive collaboration with Santa Barbara County in the development of this proposal, and now UCSB and the County are looking forward to working closely with the City of Goleta as we move toward the implementation of the plan.

More information about the Memorandum of Understanding that has just been reached by the three parties is contained in the issue of 93106 dated today. The complete Ellwood/Devereux proposal is available via the Campus Topics page of the UCSB web site.

I would like to express my deep appreciation for all the work that Santa Barbara County officials and many members of our campus community have invested in this project. I also would like to thank the leaders of the City of Goleta for their recognition of the potential and the benefits that this proposal represents for the community as well as the campus.


Henry T. Yang