September 19, 2001
Dear Colleagues:
As you are no doubt aware from reading the newspapers, the slowing California economy has led to a significant reduction in state revenues. In the final version of the state budget for 2001-02, many proposed increases in state spending were pulled back. The University of California has not been exempt from these reductions.
I am writing to share with you that, while the state budget does provide for an increase in UC operating funds, it does not provide the level of support for improving faculty and staff salaries that we had requested. This is disappointing to all of us. The faculty and staff are what make UC such a great university, and your health and welfare are matters of extreme importance.
All non-represented academic employees, including our faculty, will receive a 0.5 percent range adjustment. I deeply regret that the range adjustment is this low this year, and I want to assure you that we will make every possible effort to improve upon this situation next year and in following years. We do, however, have assurance that a normal merit cycle will be in place for all those who are eligible. Funds are available to support a 2 percent merit program for non-represented staff members, including senior management. Any salary increases for exclusively represented employees will be subject to collective bargaining.
Communications with the specifics about the implementation of the salary adjustment program will be coming soon from the Human Resources Office, for staff employees, and from the Office of Academic Personnel, for faculty members.
To help UCSB keep up with the growing workload demands on the campus, additional faculty positions have been approved and recruitment will take place. In addition, we are allocating new workload funds to the vice chancellors for a staff-support initiative. These funds could mean hiring new staff or increasing appointments from, for example, 75 percent time to 100 percent, or from 10 months to 12 months. The intent is that these funds be used to provide additional staff to address current workload issues.
I will work with UCOP to continue to pursue with the Governor and the Legislature the university's goal of restoring the funds necessary to ensure improvement of faculty and staff salaries. The university considers these funds critical to its ability to continue recruiting and retaining our high-quality and dedicated colleagues who play such an instrumental role in UC's success. Please allow me to take this opportunity to express my whole-hearted appreciation for your contributions to making UCSB such a pre-eminent institution.
Henry T. Yang