February 1, 2022

Dear Members of Our Campus Community,

We are pleased that our campus has received an allocation of State funding in support of seismic corrections to our Chemistry Building. This is an important opportunity for our campus to make these corrections. Following campus consultation, I am pleased to announce the formation of the Chemistry Building Seismic Project Committee to advise on the planning and development of this important campus project.

The project committee’s role is to ensure that the campus’s programmatic and planning objectives are achieved and that the project proceeds on budget and on schedule. I am pleased that Professor Mattanjah de Vries has graciously agreed to serve as the chair of this committee. Our Design and Construction Services will manage the phases of the project. The committee will be active over the next year and will oversee programming, design, and working drawing phases.

The committee membership is listed below. Thank you to all of the committee members for their commitment of time, wisdom, and expertise to help our campus with this project.


Henry T. Yang

Chemistry Building Seismic Project Committee

Mattanjah de Vries, Chair; Distinguished Professor and Chair, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Steve Buratto, Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Pedro Craveiro, Graduate Student Association representative; GSA representative, Design Review Committee
Songi Han, Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Jack Johnson, Associated Students representative; AS representative, Design Review Committee
Kevin Plaxco, Professor and Vice Chair, Chemistry and Biochemistry; Director, Center for Bioengineering
Javier Read de Alaniz, Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry; Associate Director, California Nanosystems Institute (CNSI)
Ram Seshadri, Professor, Materials and Chemistry & Biochemistry; Director, Materials Research Laboratory; Academic Senate representative, Design Review Committee
Rene Weber, Professor, Communications; Chair, Academic Senate Council on Planning and Budget

Ex Officio
Kerry Bierman, Associate Vice Chancellor, Budget & Planning
Julie Hendricks, Campus Architect; Director of Design, Facilities & Safety Services