February 26, 2010
Dear Students and Colleagues:
I am writing to share with you two statements regarding recent events at our sister campuses that are of great concern to our entire university community.
The first is a statement issued earlier today by UC President Mark Yudof and Regents Chairman Russell Gould, posted at http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/article/22916.
The second is a joint statement that I have signed with President Yudof, the Chair and Vice Chair of the Universitywide Academic Senate, and my fellow UC Chancellors, copied below and also posted online at http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/news/article/22921.
I would like to take this opportunity to reaffirm that there is no place here for hateful words or actions directed at any member of our university family, or anyone.
We condemn the acts of racism that have occurred, and we pledge UC Santa Barbara's continuing commitment to raise awareness of racism and other forms of intolerance; to honor the diversity that enriches our living, learning, and working environment; and to promote our campus tradition of dialogue and mutual respect.
Our students, faculty, and staff all play an important role in creating and maintaining a campus climate that values diversity and remains free of prejudice and intolerance. Each of us has a responsibility to uphold the values we cherish as an academic community, and to create a place that is open, inclusive, and welcoming to all.
Henry T. Yang
Statement of UC President Mark G. Yudof, the Chancellors of the 10 UC campuses, and the Chair and Vice Chair of the Universitywide Academic Senate
February 26, 2010
As leaders of the University of California, we are deeply disturbed by recent events at a few of our campuses. We condemn all acts of racism, intolerance and incivility. Regardless of how such offenses are rationalized, or what free speech rights they purport to express, the acts we have witnessed are unacceptable. The actions of these individuals reflect neither our principles nor our values, nor the sentiments of the University of California community. We will not allow the actions of a few to speak for this university. We denounce them.
Each of our campuses is committed to promoting and defending a learning environment that values and supports each student, faculty and staff member in an atmosphere that is open, civil, fair, caring and respectful. These values are enshrined in the "Principles of Community" each campus adheres to and that clearly outline our expectations for behavior on our campuses. We expect that all members of our university community, including our visitors, will be respectful of differing views, opinions, experiences, and background.
When violations occur, it is incumbent on us, as leaders and as stewards of free speech on our campuses, to push back. We have a responsibility to speak out against activities that promote intolerance or undermine civil dialogue. As always, the remedy for bad speech is good speech. For that reason, we call on all members of the UC community -- students, faculty and staff -- to affirm and defend the values of the University of California. We are speaking out and ask that you do the same whenever, wherever and however you confront behavior that violates the principles and values of this university.
Mark G. Yudof, President, University of California
Henry Powell, Chair, UC Academic Senate
Daniel Simmons, Vice Chair, UC Academic Senate
Robert J. Birgeneau, Chancellor, UC Berkeley
Linda P.B. Katehi, Chancellor, UC Davis
Michael V. Drake, M.D., Chancellor, UC Irvine
Gene Block, Chancellor, UC Los Angeles
Steve Kang, Chancellor, UC Merced
Timothy P. White, Chancellor, UC Riverside
Marye Anne Fox, Chancellor, UC San Diego
Susan Desmond-Hellmann, Chancellor, UC San Francisco
Henry T. Yang, Chancellor, UC Santa Barbara
George Blumenthal, Chancellor, UC Santa Cruz